Eggnog said:
You did ask though "if the composite sign of the parousia in 1914 is so obvious, why did it take the WTS 30 years to see it? and I'm sure that I cannot answer your question since it assumes facts not in evidence. On what is this "30 years to see it" part of your question based? Is this conjecture on your part or do you have facts to support this portion of your statement regarding this "30 years"? I'd be interested in seeing what you can provide in support.
The question assumes nothing. The first mention of Jesus’ invisible presence having occurred in 1914 was in 1943. Go check your library. I defy you to find a reference to a 1914 parousia prior to 1943. There was one reference in the late 20’s that kinda-sorta hinted at it. If the WTS has been honest and “consistant” about the 1914 date, there should be a multitude of references in this time period. Go ahead. I dare you. See if you can prove me to be a liar. If I am, it should be easy for you. Do you have the stones to face the possibility that I may be right?